

わたしはもちろんモテないのだけど、それは努力をしないからなのだと思う。たいていの人は、努力すればモテるんじゃないだろうか? だって、人間のスペックなんてたいして個体差ないのだし。 ジャンプ+で『正反対な君と僕』という漫画を読んでいる。面白い…


www.economist.com To be one of a crowd wandering around in search of a place to settle down, with your existence distilled down to a handful of mementoes and a cactus, is profoundly depressing. 落ち着いて仕事ができる場所を求めてさまよう同…

【読書ノート】Morality Competition and the Firm 第6章

Morality, Competition, and the Firm: The Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics (English Edition)作者:Heath, JosephOxford University PressAmazon 第6章 ミクロとマクロの契約主義 イントロ 正義の原則はなぜ存在するのか? それは、「協力によ…


研究者なんかもうやめた! と思っていたけれど、なんか良さそうな公募があったのでもう一度だけチャレンジしてみることにした。仕事内容はわたしにぴったりだし、辺鄙な勤務地なのでおそらく競争率は低い。8割方いける気がする。でも、その8割で落ち続けた…


日記 I have been practicing to enhance my listening skills in English for nearly three months. The progress is not so rapid, but I actually feel that my efforts are yielding some results. I sometimes get confused when I can't follow the pl…


日記 As philosophy is not my major, my knowledge about it is rather limited. I am just an amateur learner of philosophy and have been exploring philosophers’ works in my own way. For instance, I am fond of Lévinas and Kierkegaard but tend …


日記 Categorizing The Witch from Mercury, the latest anime series of Mobile Suit Gundam, as a science fiction work may be misleading. I think it is rather a fantasy story that allegorically depicts the essence of our reality. Le Guin, the …


日記 Liz and the Blue Bird is a movie that I consider to be one of the best I've seen in recent years. It's a side story connected to the Sound! Euphonium anime series. Unlike the main storyline, which explores complex relationships within…


日記 My favorite food is dumplings. Why? It's because the protagonist of Dorohedoro loves dumplings. The influence of comic characters is extravagant in my life. The reason I recall the mutant protagonist's taste now of all times is that I…


日記 In the comic "Kenji," a bullied child finds inspiration from a kung fu expert who teaches him that focusing on a single martial technique can make him stand out in his social circle. The child dedicates himself to practicing straight …